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External module rest-ts-express


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RouteHandler: function

An individual endpoint handler.

Handles requests made to a given endpoint of the API, and returns the appropriate response. Route handlers have their input and output types constrained by the API definition. It is recommended you read the wiki page express usage guide first to get an idea of how this works, then come back here for the details.

Contrary to express handlers, rest.ts handlers usually don't need the res argument. Instead, the desired response type should be returned from the function. rest.ts will serialize it and send it back to the client. Using res.send() is an antipattern and should only be done as a last resort, if you clearly understand the consequences. Note that if your handlers starts sending something out using the res object, (ie. if the response headers get sent), then it must terminate the response itself.

Handlers can be asynchronous. If a promise is returned from the handler, rest.ts will await it before continuing.

A handler can do one of three things: return some data, skip itself, or fail.

The first case is easy: The request was successful and the handler returns the expected DTO type, or it returns a Promise which then gets resolved with a value.

The second case corresponds to calling next without arguments in express: the handler doesn't know what to do with this request and forwards it to the next middleware in the server stack. You do this by returning undefined, or, if you've returned a promise, by resolving the promise with undefined.

The third case happens if the handler throws an exception, or if it returns a promise which gets rejected. The error is passed to express' error handling stack, where you can get a chance to further process it.


req The express request object, with additional type information corresponding to the request parameters defined in the API specification


res The unmodified express response object. Only use this as a last resort. You should return the response payload rather than passing it to res.send()


The response payload, which must be compatible with the response type defined in the API specification. If a promise is returned: rejecting the promise has the same effect as throwing an exception in the handler, resolving the promise has the same effect as returning the resolving value directly from the handler. If the value is undefined, the request is passed down the next handler in the server stack. If you don't want your handler to return anything, call res.end() or make it return an empty string or something like that.

Type declaration

    • (req: TypedRequest<T>, res: express.Response): PromiseOrValue<ExtractRuntimeType<T["response"]>>
    • Parameters

      • req: TypedRequest<T>
      • res: express.Response

      Returns PromiseOrValue<ExtractRuntimeType<T["response"]>>



  • buildRouter<T>(apiDefinition: T, cb: function): Router
  • Create an express.js router from an API definition.

    This is the preferred way to construct a router with rest-ts-express. The builder pattern allows you to catch many potential mistakes, such as a missing or extraneous definition, and provides advanced type-checking of the handler code you write.

    This method accepts a type definition and a callback. You create the router using the builder passed to the callback. This builder has one method for each endpoint of the API definition, this method lets you write the implementation of that endpoint.

    For instance, if your API definition has the following endpoints:

    const myCustomAPI = defineAPI({
        listPublications: GET `/publications/${'category'}` .response(Publications),
        addPublication: POST `/publications` .body(Article) .response(PublicationResponse),
        removePublication: DELETE `/publications/${'id'}` .response(RemoveResponse)

    Then you will implement the router like so:

    const router = buildRouter(myCustomAPI, (builder) => builder
         .listPublications((req, res) => {
             return requestDatabaseForPublications({category: req.params.category})
         .addPublication(async (req, res) => {
             const saved = await attemptSavePublication(req.body);
             return { id: saved.id };
         .removePublication(async (req, res) => {
             await removePublication({ id: req.params.id });
             return 'OK';

    Attach your router to some express server just like any other regular router:

    const app = express();
    app.use('/api/root', router);

    Type parameters

    • T: ApiDefinition


    • apiDefinition: T

      The API definition you want to implement

    • cb: function

      A construction callback

        • (builder: RouterBuilder<T, __type, keyof T>): BuiltRouter<T>
        • Parameters

          • builder: RouterBuilder<T, __type, keyof T>

          Returns BuiltRouter<T>

    Returns Router


  • createRouter<T>(apiDefinition: T, hash: RouterDefinition<T>): express.Router
  • Alternate way to create a router.

    You should use buildRouter whenever possible. It provides more safety and plays better with IDEs than this method.

    This function works similarly to buildRouter except that you pass a simple object hash and don't use a builder. Each property of the hash is a route handler for the endpoint of the same name.


    const router = createRouter(myCustomAPI, {
         listPublications: (req, res) => {
             return requestDatabaseForPublications({category: req.params.category})
         addPublication: async (req, res) => {
             const saved = await attemptSavePublication(req.body);
             return { id: saved.id };
         removePublication: async (req, res) => {
             await removePublication({ id: req.params.id });
             return 'OK';

    Type parameters

    • T: ApiDefinition


    • apiDefinition: T

      The API definition you want to implement.

    • hash: RouterDefinition<T>

      The concrete implementation of the API.

    Returns express.Router

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