API Reference

Main API

getService<T>(token: Type<T>): T

Instantiate a service by providing mocks for all of its dependencies.

A mock is automatically created for all dependencies of the service which are not mocked yet.


describe('MyService', () => {
let myService: MyService;
beforeEach(() => {
myService = getService(MyService);

getMock<T>(token: Type<T> | InjectionToken<T>): Mock<T>

Returns the mock associated with this injection token. If no such mock exists yet, it is created.

This function can be called before or after getService. Either way, only one mock is created for each injection token.

Calling getMock multiple times in a single test with the same injection token always returns the same object instance.


const dependencyService = getMock(MyServiceDependency);
when(dependencyService.greet('John')).return('Hello John').once();

renderComponent<T, TBindings>(component: Type<T>, module: Type<any> | ModuleWithProviders<any>, options: RenderSettings<TBindings>): Promise<Rendering<T, never>>

Shallow-renders a component, meaning that its children components are not rendered themselves, and any constructor dependency is mocked.

TODO example

Advanced API

createMock<T>(token: Type<T> | InjectionToken<T>, backing?: Partial<T>): Mock<T>

Manually create a mock with an optional backing object.

This function must be called before getService, getShallow or renderComponent.

Any subsequent call to getMock with the same injection token will return the same mock that was created with createMock.

TODO: example

getShallow<T>(component: Type<T>, module: Type<any> | ModuleWithProviders<any>): Shallow<T>

Configures and return a Shallow renderer.

Use this method if you would like to further customize the renderer. In most cases, renderComponent should be used instead.

TODO example

configureTestBed(service: Type<T>): void

Configures the angular TestBed with mocks for all of the dependencies of the service.

Only use this if you would like to customize the dependencies before creating a service. In general, you should use getService instead.


TestBed.overrideProvider(MyDependency, { useValue: fakeDependency });
const service = TestBed.inject(MyService);


class BasePage<T>

Base class for page objects. See base-class.ts for detailed documentation.


class Page extends BasePage<MyComponent> {
get loginButton(): HTMLElement {
return this.rendering.find('[test-id=login-button]').nativeElement;
get fancyButton() {
return this.rendering.findComponent(FancyButtonComponent);

catchUnhandledErrors(): void

Catches all unhandled errors during test execution and fails the test if any error occurs.

The default angular config allows many errors to escape the test suite which can lead to silent errors. Call this utility in the test.ts file to catch these errors before they can escape.


// src/test.ts
import { catchUnandledErrors } from 'ng-vacuum';