Mocking techniques

We re-use AccessControlService from the getting started guide to illustrate this chapter.


import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { AuthService } from './auth.service';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';
export class AccessControlService {
private readonly authService: AuthService,
private readonly router: Router) {
public checkAccess(zone: 'lobby' | 'dashboard'): boolean {
if (zone === 'lobby' && this.authService.isAuthenticated()) {
return false;
} else if (zone === 'dashboard' && !this.authService.isAuthenticated()) {
return false;
return true;

Mocking a getter / setter

This time, AuthService has been implemented as a pair of getters and setters.


import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
export class AuthService {
private authenticated = false;
public get isAuthenticated(): boolean {
return this.authenticated;
public set isAuthenticated(value: boolean): void {
this.authenticated = value;

Our test is:

describe('AccessControlService', () => {
let service: AccessControlService;
beforeEach(() => {
service = getService(AccessControlService);
it('redirects to logout when trying to access the lobby while authenticated', () => {
// TODO mock that the current state is authenticated
const result = service.checkAccess('lobby');

Notice that we have not defined the behavior of the getter AuthService.isAuthenticated yet. Therefore, it is no surprise that we get an error when this test is run.

Error: Unexpected property access: <AuthService>.isAuthenticated
This mock is not backed

All we need to do is define that behavior as shown below.

describe('AccessControlService', () => {
let service: AccessControlService;
beforeEach(() => {
service = getService(AccessControlService);
it('redirects to logout when trying to access the lobby while authenticated', () => {
const result = service.checkAccess('lobby');

We present an alternative way to achieve the same result. Depending on the context, you may find one technique better suited than the other for your current situation.

With a getter

With this technique, you define the behavior in beforeEach and then use a local variable to change the value returned by the getter.

describe('AccessControlService', () => {
let service: AccessControlService;
let isAuthenticated: boolean;
beforeEach(() => {
isAuthenticated = false;
when(getMock(AuthService).isAuthenticated).useGetter(() => isAuthenticated);
service = getService(AccessControlService);
it('redirects to logout when trying to access the lobby while authenticated', () => {
isAuthenticated = true; // Override the default value
const result = service.checkAccess('lobby');

Remember to initialize all variables in beforeEach and not in their declaration statement. Otherwise some test may get flaky as values from other tests start leaking.

Testing observable subscriptions

We would like our authentication service to actively publish authentication state changes with rxjs. We could implement it as shown here.

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs';
export class AuthService {
private authenticatedSubject = new BehaviorSubject(false);
public authenticated$(): Observable<boolean> {
return this.authenticatedSubject.toObservable();
public setAuthenticated(value: boolean): void {;

And the service we would like to test is subscribing to this observable in its constructor.

export class MyService {
readonly router: Router,
readonly authService: AuthService) {
this.authService.authenticated$.subscribe(auth => {
if (!auth) {

We have to define the behavior of authenticated$ before the service gets created. Otherwise OmniMock won't know what to do when authService is used.

Fortunately, we can call getMock before creating the actual service or component.

We could mock the rxjs API, expect a call to subscribe, register the callback and then invoke the callback. But this would be a lot of work.
Instead, we can simply use rxjs in our test. This is a slight deviation to the true test in a vacuum philosophy, but we can make an exception here because:

  • rxjs is a single-purpose code utility library and we do not use it for I/O in this context.
  • The class we are testing remains entirely isolated from all other code in our project.
  • We trust rxjs to be sufficiently tested and of high quality such that it won't break our tests.
  • rxjs is not used as a gateway to some global API or global state. Everything remains local to our test.

The last affirmation is not entirely true. rxjs might be using setTimeout or a similar I/O method to defer work internally. We must be careful to wrap everything in a fakeAsync context and call flush() such that this implementation detail doesn't interfere with our test.

describe('MyService', () => {
let authenticated$: Subject<boolean>;
beforeEach(() => {
authenticated$ = new Subject<boolean>();
it('redirects to home when logging out', fakeAsync(() => {
// Expect the call to router.navigate once
// Then, send the value to trigger the code we would like to test
// Then, flush to make sure our fake event goes through